Monday, December 15, 2008

Can I Get Some Ketchup With That?

Tell me again why we buy kids toys? As I stated in the earlier post David and I purchased a few new toys for Isaac and he did great for the first two days. Then the next morning he played with his toys for all of about five minutes and then made the bee line straight to the recycle pile. So much for the toys, but it made for some funny shots. At least now I know he's getting plenty of fibre in his diet:)


Payne Family said...

It's really sad when children have to resort to eating cardboard! I mean he's obviously starved, just look how thin he is :) Mikey and Jp were exactly the same way. Big, bright, colorful.....nothing. Boring white measuring cup or wooden spoon.....heaven!

Analiese said...

Can he eat cheeseburgers yet???

My Picture blog! said...

Maybe he thinks the box of RITZ are actually the crackers. Who knows?
They probably even taste the same.

That's just what kids do. Start worrying if he's still doing it 10 years from now. :)

"ECHO" said...

cute! We have a picture of Javen when he was about 11 months old playing in all the groceries we just brought in from the car. Don't worry, they eventually enjoy toys and when you have a five year old then they will want to play with the baby toys and it is very annoying.
Have fun!
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